
Effective Vegan Activism

Remember Your Own Carnism

2:15 minutes

Remembering what it was like when you used to be non-vegan, and speaking about that experience in a personal way, makes it easier for you to stay empathically connected with non-vegans. This video gives advice on some key vegan communication skills.

You Are Not Your Audience

2:05 minutes

If you want to influence people, you need to be aware of how others perceive what you’re saying, keeping in mind the YANYA principle: You Are Not Your Audience.

3:12 minutes

What stands in the way of advocating veganism effectively? Vegan advocates today face four key obstacles, and this video will help you to overcome them and to achieve a more effective communication style.

Focus More on the “How” Than the “What”

3:04 minutes

When advocating veganism, is your goal to win a debate? If so, then it’s also to make the other person lose. When you focus on the “how” rather than the “what” of your communication, you reduce the risk of creating a win-lose scenario and increase the chances that your message will be heard as you intend it to be.

Social Movements

Why We Need Social Movements 14:47

In this part of Intro to Movement Strategy we discuss what movements are and why they matter. In particular, we think about about how we develop our ability to observe them so that we can build strategic capacity both individually and collectively.

Why We Need Social Movements 21:30

We continue developing strategic capacity by talking about the three major Theories of Change: 1. Personal Transformation 2. Alternatives & 3. Dominant Institutional Change. In order to develop strong movements we need these all of these approaches working together in ecology but differences in culture and priorities often prevent us from working together.

The success of nonviolent civil resistance 12:33

Between 1900-2006, campaigns of nonviolent civil resistance were twice as successful as violent campaigns. Erica will talk about her research on the impressive historical record of civil resistance in the 20th century and discuss the promise of unarmed struggle in the 21st century. She will focus on the so-called « 3.5% rule »—the notion that no government can withstand a challenge of 3.5% of its population without either accommodating the movement or (in extreme cases) disintegrating. In addition to explaining why nonviolent resistance has been so effective, she will also share some lessons learned about why it sometimes fails.

How we will win Animal Liberation 51:37

This talk is for people who want to think big and get inspired. Drawn from cutting-edge research on mass movements and civil disobedience, this talk introduces some key concepts, principles and strategies, including the ‘momentum driven organising’ model used by Extinction Rebellion and other successful movements, for building a powerful mass movement that can achieve transformative change for other animals.