
Table of Contents

PBTC Videos


26:57 minutes

Coalition Activity & Movement Building 

Lewin's Change Management Model

2:05 minutes

Lewin’s Change Management Model
Understanding the Three Stages of Change

Core Videos - Urgent & Important

Why We Need Social Movements

This workshop describes key pillars to understand social movements. It explores movement as an ecology of different approaches to change and think about seasons as a way to understand ourselves, our organizations, and our movements.

Reinventing Organizations

Increasingly we are disillusioned with the way we run organizations today. We all somehow sense that there simply must be better ways to run our businesses, nonprofits, schools and hospitals. This hopeful talk shares the key insights from groundbreaking research into the emergence, in different parts of the world, of truly powerful and soulful organizations that have made a radical leap beyond today’s management thinking.

Animal Rebellion Trainings

Intro to Strategic Messaging

47:08 minutes

In a world with loads of competing narratives, messaging is everywhere. Social change organisations, corporations, the media and many other institutions use strategic messaging by considering things like context and framing in order to win people over. By formulating our words and the sentences we use, our messaging will travel further, hit harder and ultimately win the hearts and
minds of the people – shifting the public narrative for a better world, and a brighter future.

Campaign Design

94:04 minutes

In 2021 Animal Rebellion is entering into an exciting new phase with campaigns popping up left, right and centre. However, it can sometimes seem a little daunting to start a campaign in your area if its not something you’ve done before. This training will go over the basics of how to plan and implement a successful campaign. It will touch on campaign theory as well as going into examples of effective campaigns and how they won. This training is great for those working on the plant-based councils campaign or for anyone who wants to start to see real change in their area towards a better world.

Effective Vegan Activism

Remember Your Own Carnism

2:15 minutes

Remembering what it was like when you used to be non-vegan, and speaking about that experience in a personal way, makes it easier for you to stay empathically connected with non-vegans. This video gives advice on some key vegan communication skills.

You Are Not Your Audience

2:05 minutes

If you want to influence people, you need to be aware of how others perceive what you’re saying, keeping in mind the YANYA principle: You Are Not Your Audience.

3:12 minutes

What stands in the way of advocating veganism effectively? Vegan advocates today face four key obstacles, and this video will help you to overcome them and to achieve a more effective communication style.

Focus More on the “How” Than the “What”

3:05 minutes

When advocating veganism, is your goal to win a debate? If so, then it’s also to make the other person lose. When you focus on the “how” rather than the “what” of your communication, you reduce the risk of creating a win-lose scenario and increase the chances that your message will be heard as you intend it to be.

53:07 minutes

In this presentation, social psychologist Dr. Melanie Joy explains how carnism (the invisible ideology that conditions people to eat animals) shapes the mentality of non-vegans. Dr. Joy then explains how vegans can apply their understanding of carnism to communicate more effectively with non-vegans, advocate more strategically, feel more grounded in and better able to articulate their own choices, and feel more empowered living in a dominant carnistic culture.

Making Compassion Easier and Achieving Vegan Critical Mass

53:23 minutes

Working to bring about change for animals, our main imperative is to be as effective as possible. Effectiveness is about being smart, about vision, about strategy, not just doing what we feel good about, or what we hope works. The classic approach to changing the world, both within organizations and for individuals, is still: informing people about all the horrible things that happen, and then hope that they will change their behaviour. This is an important aspect of creating change, but it is by far not all. We need to also think about convenience, about communication style, about how to reach people in power, about the best ways to reach the most people with the least input, etc.

Social Movements

Why We Need Social Movements

14:47 minutes

In this part of Intro to Movement Strategy we discuss what movements are and why they matter. In particular, we think about about how we develop our ability to observe them so that we can build strategic capacity both individually and collectively.

Why We Need Social Movements

21:30 minutes

We continue developing strategic capacity by talking about the three major Theories of Change: 1. Personal Transformation 2. Alternatives & 3. Dominant Institutional Change. In order to develop strong movements we need these all of these approaches working together in ecology but differences in culture and priorities often prevent us from working together.

The success of nonviolent civil resistance

12:33 minutes

Between 1900-2006, campaigns of nonviolent civil resistance were twice as successful as violent campaigns. Erica will talk about her research on the impressive historical record of civil resistance in the 20th century and discuss the promise of unarmed struggle in the 21st century. She will focus on the so-called “3.5% rule”—the notion that no government can withstand a challenge of 3.5% of its population without either accommodating the movement or (in extreme cases) disintegrating. In addition to explaining why nonviolent resistance has been so effective, she will also share some lessons learned about why it sometimes fails.

How we will win Animal Liberation

51:37 minutes

This talk is for people who want to think big and get inspired. Drawn from cutting-edge research on mass movements and civil disobedience, this talk introduces some key concepts, principles and strategies, including the ‘momentum driven organising’ model used by Extinction Rebellion and other successful movements, for building a powerful mass movement that can achieve transformative change for other animals.

Systems Change

Personal Change & Systems Change

7:52 minutes

For sure Systems Change is about collaboration and the mobilization of whole ecosystems of people and organizations. It is a hugely social endeavor. However this process starts with an individual or group of individuals separately feeling something is not right and going on a personal journey of questioning and discovery.

Systems Leadership

12:00 minutes

Because of its nature, the kind of leadership needed for systems change is quite different from our traditional
conception we tend to think of leadership, as a position at the top of an organization, that comes with the authority to make decisions and have those executed upon by others. However systems change is about leading across boundaries meaning you will be leading with very little authority.


Conventional Systems

What is Good Governance?

2:48 minutes

Watch this video to learn how good governance can ensure accountability, fairness and transparency as an association makes decisions on behalf of its members.

The Rules for Rulers

18:12 minutes

Adapted from “The Dictator’s Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics”, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith’s canonical book on political science.They started from a single assertion: Leaders do whatever keeps them in power.

Self-management / Self‐Organizing Systems (SOS)

Self-Organisation Beyond Hierarchy

2:46 minutes

A short and simple introductory video that introduces collaborative governance systems beyond the traditional hierarchical methods we are used to.

Creating Culture

12:31 minutes

Each organisation has its own particular culture; its like a unique personality. Organisational culture is influenced by many things: values, power structures, personalities, assumptions, unspoken norms… And it has a massive influence on how effective an organisation can be. This episode explores how culture is created and worked with using a conventional hierarchy and then how it looks using two methods of self-organisation beyond hierarchy: more collaborative and agile approaches.

Working with Power

11:50 minutes

The way that power is structured and used has a massive impact on how an organisation works and how effective it can be. Who has authority for making certain decisions? Are decisions made by a leader, through a democratic vote, using consensus…? Is power concentrated, shared or distributed? These are some of the issues explored in this episode which looks at how this is done using a conventional hierarchy and then how it looks using two methods of self-organisation beyond hierarchy: more collaborative and agile approaches.


Getting Things Done Together

15:04 minutes

This episode describes six areas of organisational life which need to be attended to for it to be healthy and successful, which are also the titles of the 6 episodes in this series: Creating Culture; Finding Fit; Working with Power; Discovering Direction; Getting Things Done Together; and Learning and Lasting. It explains how attending to all 6 areas create the conditions for collaboration to actually get the work done, both inside and outside of meetings. This episode explores how this is done using a conventional hierarchy and then how it looks using two methods of self-organisation beyond hierarchy: more collaborative and agile approaches.

What does self-management mean for you?

12:32 minutes

How do you think about self-management? Most people view it simply as a better way to organize work.

That’s a perfectly legitimate way to hold it. In this video, I offer two other perspectives: self-management as the only way I would ever want to organize work. And self-management as the most natural way to organize work.

Start with why

9:56 minutes

Organizations where leaders started talking about self-management as a goal in itself, without sharing a deeper “why”, still have scar tissue to show for it.

​Self-management is a concept, and few people get excited for their work place to embrace a concept. In this video, I will invite you to clarify what could be the most powerful invitation you could make.

No more structures, processes, rules ?

9:52 minutes

Self-management is not the absence of structures, processes and rules.

This is a pitfall that many organizations pay the price for, until they manage to correct it. When you deconstruct the old system, but don’t build up new systems, you end up with a “blob”, a situation where everyone is confused, no one quite knows what they can do and can’t do, results often start to slide…

Self-Management relies on structures, processes and rules just as much as traditional organizations. It’s just that they ensure power-with rather than power-over. That they exist only when they are useful. And that everyone can change them, which makes them very fluid, organic, ever changing…

Everyone is equal ?

9:56 minutes

I don’t like the words “flat” or “horizontal” organizations. And I often hear people say “In self-management, everyone is equal”.

I think this is an important topic that deserves that we bring to it the kind of nuanced thinking that paradox allows.

Here is a beautiful paradox: In self-management, everyone is intrinsically of equal human value, and yet we celebrate and value differences in roles and contributions!

What is Holacracy?

1:48 minutes

Can your company remain agile and adaptive – even as it scales? Holacracy offers a radical new answer to this question, in the form of a tested and customizable self-management practice. With a Holacracy practice in place, every team member gains the ability to make meaningful decisions and drive change. The approach will allow your team to clarify agreements, set clear expectations, increase transparency and will fundamentally rewire your organization’s approach to power.

Why Holacracy?

9:56 minutes

Holacracy® is a customizable self-management practice for organizations. It increases transparency, agility, responsiveness, and ownership across the company. Practicing Holacracy can empower people to make meaningful decisions and drive change from anywhere in the organization. It can unleash the untapped creativity of individuals and allow them to better pursue the company purpose in the world.

Narratives & Story Based Strategy

Imagination Builds Power

6 minutes

Stories and storytelling have been central to social change efforts. Organizers rely on storytelling to build relationships, unite interest groups, name issues, and mobilize grassroots movements.

Humanity's Phase Shift

30:18 minutes

CSS co-director describes why this methodology was developed, to break through the glass ceiling organizers hit when the opposition narrative is winning. Story-based strategy brings together communications, organizing, and alliance building to discover opportunities for powerful shared narratives.

Metaphors We Live By

Lakoff and Johnson argue that metaphors aren’t just poetry, but a fundamental part of our brain conceptual system. That is, they’re central to the way we perceive ourselves, others, and the world. Metaphors aren’t simply rhetorical, artistic, and creative, they help us understand, structure and communicate experience that is difficult to communicate literally

Moral Politics

58:58 minutes

UC Berkeley professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics George Lakoff explores how successful political debates are framed by using language targeted to people’s values instead of their support for specific government programs in this public lecture.

Regenerative Culture

Sustainable Activism & Avoiding Burnout

Avoiding Burnout

9:16 minutes

Are we winning when we push ourselves, and others, so hard that we face inevitable burnout? Or do we take a step back now and again to foster self care, learn from other movements, and help grow our own?

Sustainable Vegan Activism

54:05 minutes

In this workshop, psychologist Dr. Melanie Joy will explain the common causes of burnout, frustration, and ineffective activism that impact many animal rights activists. She will discuss how “unsustainable” activism is one of the most serious obstacles to the success of the animal rights movement, and a leading cause of depression and burnout among activists. She will explain specific strategies that activists can take to improve their activism and their lives.

Restorative Circles

Dedicated spaces for having conflicts

4:41 minutes

A new perspective on conflict, where conflict is not something to be feared, but is seen as something informative that can help relationships deepen, the community grow, and belongs to the community, not something isolated between two individuals.

Raamro Aakha Ma (In the Eyes of the Good)

55:17 minutes

This documentary tells the story of former Maoist combatants, conflict victims, and government officials engaging in a restorative dialogue, following the aftermath of the 10-years armed conflict in Nepal. The goal was to offer those involved with the transitional justice process in Nepal an opportunity to experience a restorative dialogue first hand. The documentary was produced in order to support the various parties to the formal Truth and Reconciliation process in Nepal and to raise awareness about Nonviolent Communication and restorative dialogue as tools for healing, reconciliation, and justice.

The Work That Reconnects with Joanna Macy

The Spiral of the Work

7:25 minutes

The Work That Reconnects (WTR) is a workshop series that explores how to evoke creative, compassionate and transformational responses to the ecological crises of our time. Drawing from deep ecology, systems theory and spiritual traditions, the Work That Reconnects builds motivation, creativity, courage and solidarity for the transition to a sustainable human culture. First emerging in 1978, this pioneering, open-source body of work has its roots in the teachings and experiential methods of Joanna Macy.

Choosing Life

22:18 minutes

Deep Ecology extends an inalienable right to life to all beings. A systems theorist, author and lifelong activist, Joanna Macy describes how healing the world and healing your heart and soul go hand in hand.

Collective Liberation

Intersectionality in Community-Based Movements

Interspecies & Intersectional Justice
Intersectional Justice Conference, the Whidbey Institute

Exploring Connections between Black Liberation & Animal Liberation

22:21 minutes

Longtime vegan and social justice advocate Christopher-Sebastian McJetters divides his time between London and New York City. A copyeditor by profession, Sebastian is a staff writer at Vegan Publishers, part-time lecturer on speciesism at Columbia University and board member of Peace Advocacy Network. He focuses on examining the complex relationships between animal violence, environmental racism, classism, and capitalism.

Intersectionality & Animal Rights

Are we winning when we continue to focus just on animal rights and ignore other systems of oppression? When we ignore and put down other social justice movements because they aren’t what we, as vegans, want them to exactly be? Do we miss the opportunity to build bridges with other communities to fight for our one common goal – liberation?

Collective Liberation!

58:58 minutes

Social Justice advocate Iye loves loves life. She speaks on Interconnected Liberation within all social justice movements and on how to create a more compassionate vegan community while dismantling the capitalist structures from within.


One Man's Way: A Peter Singer Documentary Honoring Animal Rights Activist Henry Spira

52:33 minutes

One Man’s Way is a 1996 documentary where Peter Singer documents the efforts and philosophies of animal rights activist Henry Spira, who is often remembered as the most effective animal activist of the 20th century. Henry Spira is most notably known for his tireless efforts to expose the the cruel animal experimentation that goes on behind doors, especially in the cosmetic industry.

Strategies For Animal Liberation w/ Ronnie Lee, Roger Yates & Jake Conroy

70:51 minutes

“For the first time ever, the On Human-Nonhuman Relations Podcast has gone to video. This time, my special guests are “The Cranky Vegan,” Jake Conroy, advocate of pressure campaigning, and Ronnie Lee, co-founder of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), and advocate of vegan education.

They were charged with addressing the simple-as-pie issue of coming up with, “Strategies for Animal Liberation.”


How to spot disingenuous narratives

6 minutes

Daniel Schmachtenberger is a futurist, evolutionary philosopher and strategist, and social engineer. In this video he gives his perspectives on narratives, Naive Techno Capital Optimism. Steven Pinker, Gates, Hans Rosling)

Humanity's Phase Shift

30:18 minutes

This conversation with looks at the growing civilisation-level crisis that we are beginning to see around us, and looks at what a genuine ‘phase shift’ for human progress might look like.

The problem with wokeness | All About Women 2019

58:32 minutes

Identity, which is at the heart of wokeness, is often regarded as the most fundamental thing we have. But clinging too hard to your identity can lead to an emphasis on what makes us different, rather than what we all might have in common. Stylist and cultural commentator Ayishat Akanbi considers the radical power of kindness, the limits of identity, the gendered nature of image, and how to transcend the superficial to form meaningful connections.

1954 CIA USA vs Guatemala from: THE CENTURY OF THE SELF(BBC)

30:18 minutes

To many in both politics and business, the triumph of the self is the ultimate expression of democracy, where power has finally moved to the people. Certainly the people may feel they are in charge, but are they really? The Century of the Self tells the untold and sometimes controversial story of the growth of the mass-consumer society in Britain and the United States. How was the all-consuming self created, by whom, and in whose interests?