Join the coalition

As part of the coalition, organizations engage with each other in order to catalyze and achieve a just and sustainable Canadian food system.

Organizational members:

  • participate in the building and advancement of the coalition’s action plan within one or more of the coalition’s strategic objectives;
  • attend relevant meetings and roundtables;
  • share skills, information and resources;

as well as their usual activities of campaigning and applying tactics in their own context.

Who Can Join

All organizations wishing to collaborate on the coalition’s mission, who share an ethic of alleviation of suffering and the values of compassion and non-violence are invited to join and participate in whatever way they deem most appropriate.

Ways to participate

  1. Informed member : Receive updates from the coalition and share some of its news. 
  2. Participating member : Participate in a monthly meeting where they receive updates from the Organizing Committee (OC) and direct the actions of the OC to better meet their needs.
  3. Active member: Participate as a member of the OC and meet once a week to do the work necessary according to the role of the organizing committee. 

An internal gift economy circle promoting help and trust

We have an online space dedicated to mutual aid. Help, in the form of time, task, resource, recommendation, expertise is given and received as a gift, i.e. without expecting anything in return.

Expertise already available

  • Website, IT, Mailing list
  • Strategy
    • Tactical  
    • Story Based
  • Governance self-organization systems
  • French / English translations
  • Facilitation

If you are interested in joining our Coalition, please begin by completing this short survey.